Latest Rubik’s toys

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February 8, 2018

Toys of Rubik’s puzzles

There are so many toys on sale today that have been inspired by the Rubik’s Cube. Rubik’s puzzles of different shapes and sizes are the most popular of these toys. There are a lot of children’s toys that are related to the Rubik’s Cube.

All these Rubik’s Cube related toys are very popular and make many sales. They are mostly on display at online shops. More and more of these kind of toys are being invented every year. Some of these kinds of puzzles are convenient for very small children.

For example like the Rubik’s Cube bear puzzle. I have never bought any Rubik’s Cube toys other than puzzles. When I was a young boy in the 1980’s these puzzles didn’t exist.

 Solving Rubik’s puzzles

All the new Rubik’s Cube puzzles have their own solving methods. You may sometimes have the solutions to these puzzles prepacked with the puzzles. If not then you can go online and find tutorials to solve these puzzles.

You Tube would be an ideal place to learn to solve these Rubik’s Cube. A lot of online Rubik’s Cube websites don’t teach you how to solve a lot of Rubik’s puzzles. There are so many kinds of Rubik’s puzzles that no one could possibly have the time to learn and teach even 10 % of them.

The children’s Rubik’s toy puzzles don’t need to be learnt to solve them. These kinds of toy puzzles are straightforward to solve and probably only take a very few moves to complete them.

Today there are many Rubik’s puzzles. Some of these puzzles can now be seen in toys. You have a Rubik’s junior puppy puzzle and a Rubik’s junior bear puzzle. There is also now a kaleidoscope cube.

Promotional Rubik’s cubes


These cubes are used to help promote your business .This is achieved by branding your logo or message on the Rubik’s cube sides.

A Rubik’s Cube safe has been invented. You can actually keep your valuables safe within this safe. No one will ever suspect that your toy Rubik’s Cube is actually a safe. The safe is very easy to understand. It’s very easy to use.


To open the safe all you need to do is to perform the right color combination. The safe is made from hard durable plastic.


Rubik’s Cube in promotion

Premier Print and Promotions Limited assist people by selling to them Rubik’s Cubes and jigsaw puzzles with their clients brand name on them. Their personalized Rubik’s Cube and jigsaw puzzles will have the clients company name, details and logo on them.


This will be seen by the clients targeted audiences and thus greatly promote their businesses.
Kidd Promo is also another company that uses Rubik’s Cubes to help to promote your business by having your company name branded on them.

The Rubik’s Cube has been known to be a great help in the promotion of businesses.


celebrity of the Rubik’s Cube named Steven Bundage ,has created a special Rubik’s Cube trick puzzle.

Rubik’s Cube Two Impossible Jigsaw Puzzles: Paladone :…

Product description. Two difficult jigsaw puzzles in one box. Each jigsaw puzzle has a different puzzle of 40 pieces. The object of the game is to discover which puzzle the piece belongs to. You’ll see a box that contains 2 x 40 puzzle pieces.

Rubik’s zigzaw puzzle

The Rubik’s Zigzaw Puzzle is a sort of jigsaw puzzle. When it is completed  it will be a picture of a large number of solved Rubik’s Cubes. Nearly all the puzzle pieces have a frog – like shape except for the edge puzzle pieces. This makes it easy to put the pieces together in the wrong way.

You’ll see a picture also that shows cubes that have been mixed. There are 81 frog shaped pieces, 8 other interior pieces and 42 edge pieces, for a total of 131 pieces.


Rubik’s jigsaw puzzles – Ebay include Rubik’s Spark (lights and sounds).Brand new 36 piece Brain Teaser Puzzle. You have the all – new electronic Rubik’s SPARK Cube and find a way to control your game play. No buttons and no touch screen. This is a new dimension of game control.

The flashing cube is the one you need.


Rubik’s Cube related inventions are very common and popular.

Best shops selling Cubes

The Speed Cube Puzzle Store – UK Rubik’s Cubes ! KewbzUK
All the team members at KewbzUK are dedicated to fulfilling all its customers needs concerning the Rubik’s Cube. They have a love for the Rubik’s Cube and know how baffling it is to many and are excited by this.


They sell a massive variety of quality speed cubes and Rubik’s Cubes and also sell a wide range of Cube stickers. They have also got a large supply and wide range of puzzle stickers.

These such stickers can be bought in Standard, Half Bright, Full Bright and Z Bright.



All Rubik’s Cube related toys play a major part in the toy industry.