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March 6, 2018


There are many items that are associated with the Rubik’s Cube. Some of these items are small and others are huge. I was rather surprised to see the simple invention of a Rubik’s Cube ornament . This item wasn’t invented by some genius but just a little 10 year old boy.

This item he invented was a Christmas novelty. He looked nice hung on a Christmas tree. Maybe one day it will become a popular item.

It was nice to see a young boy use his imagination to create something that looked nice to him. The ornament was well planned. He filmed himself making this ornament and then uploaded the video to You Tube. He filmed it very well so you could clearly see everything that he did.

Rubik’s Cube ornament

Above is a Novelty Key chain Rubik’s Cube.


There exists an Olympus digital camera that looks like a Rubik’s Cube.

Christmas ornament
Anyone can buy Rubik’s Cube ornaments at Etsy. You’re able to express yourself whilst shopping at their store. A customer is able to buy and sell handmade and vintage goods at this store.
There are also a variety of Rubik’s Cube related toys on the market today.


Rubik’s Cube ornament video

There is a You Tube video called ‘’How to make a Rubik’s Cube ornament’’.
In this video a young boy begins by producing a metal tin Rubik’s Cube which can be opened by taking the top lid part off.

Next he shows you some tape and a piece of shoe lace which he will use to make the ornament. He said the red part of the tin Cube must face up. He takes the red lid part of the tin Cube off.

You then see him tape one end of the red shoe lace and then tapes it onto the Cube lid. Afterwards he tapes the other side of the red shoe lace as well and also tapes that onto the Cube lid. He now reveals the Rubik’s Cube lid with the red shoe lace attached to it.

Finally he happily attaches the Rubik’s Cube lid to the rest of the Rubik’s Cube. You have to push quite tightly for it to attach to the rest of the Cube. You finally see his completed Rubik’s Cube ornament.

He said he made the video because he is decorating his tree.  This video recording was on December 4th 2017 .

Once the ornament has been made, you can store within it any item you choose.The young boy in the video mentioned something about placing some candy in it. Anyhow I’m sure he found the ornament sweeter than the candy.


A Rubik’s Cube ornament isn’t an actual Rubik’s Cube, but only a Rubik’s Cube looking gift.