Rubik’s Cube patterns

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March 15, 2017

Rubik’s Cube patterns –

There are lots of patterns which are awesome to see once created on a Rubik’s Cube.

Pretty Rubik’s Cube patterns

1)The Image below is called The Checkerboard Pattern.

This is a very classic pattern which a lot of cubers have created. In order to create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you would need to play the moves.

F, B2, R’, D2, B, R, U, D’, R, L’, D’, F’, R2, D, F2, B’

Rubik’s cube patterns

2) Below you can see a pattern which is known as the flower pattern.

In this pattern each side has a center color which is different to the rest of its colors. To create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you would need to play the moves

F, F, B, B, U, D’, L, L, R, R, U, D’

Rubik’s cube patterns

3) The next beautiful pattern is called the staircase pattern.

The same diagonal colors on each side give the appearance of a staircase. All the colors on the side are different to the three diagonal middle colors. Another name for this pattern is the zigzag pattern. To create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you need to play the moves

R, L, B, F, R, L, B, F, R, L, B, F

Rubik’s cube patterns

4) The next pattern is called the crosses pattern.

In this pattern each side of the cube has the pattern of a cross of a certain color. The remaining colors on the same side are of different colors to that of the cross. This pattern is also known as the cross pattern.

In order to create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you would need to play the moves

U, F, B’, L2, U2, L2, F’, B, U2, L2, U

Unusual Rubik’s cube patterns

5) Our next pattern below is known as the cube in a cube pattern.

In this pattern each side has a cube of a different color to the rest of the other colors on the same side. This is a very well liked pattern.

To create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you would need to play the moves

F, L, F, U’, R, U, F2, L2, U’, L’, B, D’, B’, L2, U

Rubik’s cube patterns

6) The next pattern is called the Cube in a cube in a cube pattern.

In this pattern each side has three different colors. Cubers worldwide like this pattern very much. I can create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube if I played the moves

U’, L’, U’, F’, R2, B’, R, F, U, B2, U, B’, L, U’, F, U, R, F’

Rubik’s cube patterns

7) This last pattern seen below is known as the HI pattern which is a very cool pattern. In this pattern each face of the cube has a letter H or a letter I, making HI.

For you to create this pattern from a fully solved Rubik’s Cube you need to watch the video below called. Rubik’s Cube Patterns ( A Step – by – Step Tutorial)

In this video you will see the algorithm to create this pattern.

Rubik’s Cube patterns

You can learn to solve the cube from the Rubik’s Cube tutorial.

Rubik’s Cube related inventions

Rubik’s cube patterns

Erno Rubik also invented the Rubik’s Domino which looks very similar to a Rubik’s Cube.
It had one layer removed, so it was then composed of just 18 smaller cubes rather than the 27.

The idea behind this invention was to rearrange the numbers one through nine using domino – style dots on both sides. This would be black dots on the white domino pieces and the white dots on the black domino pieces.

These dots would be in the correct order.
There were 406,425,600 potential positions.
Once some person learned how to solve the domino pieces they were able to solve it in a minimum of 19 moves.

Rubik’s cube patterns

Another mechanical puzzle invented by Erno Rubik was the Rubik’s Cheese.
This puzzle was invented shortly after the invention of the Rubik’s Cube.
To solve the Cheese you had to group two layers of colored pieces together.

When solved you would now have 12 colored pieces matched.
You had to keep twisting the Rubik’s Cheese in half to move groups of six pieces around at a time.

Rubik’s cube patterns

The Rubik’s Magic has eight tiles which are joined by wires. These wires can be twisted to make the tiles into all sorts of shapes. The shape shows three separate rings. Your object is to make the Magic into a heart shape.

Once completed the heart shape should reveal three rings that are linked. In the 1980s an edition of this shape was released that consisted of 12 tiles and showed five different rings.

Complex Rubik’s puzzles

Rubik’s cube patterns

The Rubik’s Snake has 24 linked triangular prisms which can be twisted and folded to change its shape. To solve  this puzzle you need to create different shapes of animals or a sphere. You can also decide to come up with your own created shapes.

A certain mathematician believes that there are a possible 6,770,518,220,623 ways to fold the snake.

Rubik’s cube patterns

The Rubik’s Tangle was invented in the 1990’s . This puzzle had string in four different colors. This was a 25 piece tile puzzle of lengths of string. Each puzzle piece is the same size and is able to be rotated through four different orientations.

Two pieces are identical. This means that there are two correct solutions. It is pretty unusual for a Rubik’s puzzle to have more than one solution.

Rubik’s cube patterns

The Rubik’s 360 was invented in 2009. To solve this puzzle you must manipulate a plastic sphere so the six balls inside it are positioned into the color – coded compartments. This puzzle cannot be solved using algorithms.

The world record for solving this puzzle is more than three times slower than it is for solving the Rubik’s Cube.

You may like to look at the patterns in a large Rubik’s Cube inventions, look a like building.

Rubik’s Cube color scheme

Above shows the opened up shape of a Rubik’s Cube. This is what is known as the western color scheme. It ‘s with the Japanese color scheme. This western color scheme is one of the most commonly used color schemes for the Rubik’s Cube.

The western color scheme is also referred as ‘’BOY’’ which is short for blue orange and yellow. A mirrored version of this color scheme exists.

Rubik’s Cube clothes

You have a nice chequered patterned cheap Kangaroo pocket rubiks cube print hoodie on sale and also  a men Hoodie Rubik’s cube print kangaroo pocket pullover hoodie on sale.

There’s also a Rubik’s Cube The Original T – Shirt and a Rubik’s Cube T – Shirt on sale.

You have an adult Rubik’s Cube Fancy Dress Rubik’s Cube Costume One on sale along with a Melted Rubik’s Cube Classic T – Shirt on sale.

I saw a Speed solving Long Sleeve T – Shirt on sale and next saw a Melted Rubik’s Cube Graphic T – Shirt on sale.

Very nicely displayed is a CUBE ME Men’s Baseball three quarter T – Shirt on sale next to a You Cuber Men’s V – Neck T – Shirt on sale.

There’s a Rubik’s Cube: T – Shirts I Red bubble on sale and a Rubik’s Cube: Kids and Babies’ Clothes I Red bubble on sale.

Lastly I noticed a Rubik’s Cube Kids T – Shirts online I Spread shirt on sale and an Rubik’s Cube Complicated Funny T – Shirt Tee: Clothing on sale.

Rubik’s cube patterns


Creating patterns on the Rubik’s Cube is a popular activity. You don’t need to be able to solve the Cube to create these patterns. From any fully solved Cube, these patterns can be created as long as you play the correct listed algorithms.