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February 8, 2018

Inventions of the rubik’s cube online

Over the last twenty years the World has witnessed the invention of many puzzles related to the Rubik’s Cube. The Rubik’s Cube has been associated with a huge number of other invented items. It is quite surprising that people have gone as far as even to invent a Rubik’s Cube car and building.

Rubik’s Cube related inventions continue to be made to this day. You are now able to find online instructions to make your own Rubik’s Cube.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

I would like it to be possible for people to be able to create a variety of Rubik’s related items. If I were able to do so I would create my own Rubik’s Cube solving robot.

I would also want this robot to be programmed to teach people to solve the Rubik’s Cube. Science is developing so fast that I believe this is possible in the near future.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

Yes I know that a Robotic Rubik’s Cube teacher will cause a big drop in the sales of Rubik’s Cubes but people would still benefit from this invention. Today there’s a handful of Rubik’s Cube solving robots. The ones that exist were invented for the purpose of extremely fast solves of the cube.

Creating one that you are able to talk to and be taught from is much more exciting.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

The Rubik’s Cube progression

The Rubik’s cube was invented in 1974 in Hungary by Erno Rubik. It was extremely popular in the early 1980′s and then the craze died down for years. In then reemerged about 8 years ago.

There are 10 times more Rubik’s cubes sold today than there were in the world in the 1980′s.

Inventions of the Rubik’s Cube

It is amazing to see how much faster the Rubik’s cube world record of completing the cube is today compared to 1982. In 1982 it stood at 22 seconds, today it stands at a fantastic 5.55 seconds.

The reason for this improved time are firstly turns of the cube are carried out by finger pushes are much quicker moves.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

Secondly it is solved in much lesser moves.

Thirdly there are millions of more people worldwide who can solve the Rubik’s cube. One fifth of the world’s population has played the Rubik’s cube. There have been more than 300 million Rubik’s cube sold worldwide.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

Rubik’s Cube in culture

Over the years the Rubik’s cube has featured in hundreds of magazines, books and movies. There are lots of web pages and blogs that are occupied with content relating to the Rubik’s cube.

Inventions of the Rubik’s Cube

The Rubik’s cube was once called the magic cube. It is loved by all ages and cultures. It has had an impact on millions of people in a positive way.

One of my most memorable moments is when Thabiut Jacquinot became the first person to solve the Rubik’s Cube under 10 seconds at a speed cubing competition in 2007 called the Spanish Open 2007.

Inventions of the Rubik’s Cube

Eleven Rubik’s Cube related inventions

Gifts of Rubik’s Puzzles

You can see the images of the sides represent a gear like look. This is the name given to this puzzle.The Gear Cube.
Oskar van Deventer was the inventor of the Gear Cube. He is a Dutch puzzle maker. Furthermore this Cube was initially produced by Shape ways in 2009 and was then called the Caution Cube.

It was probably then named so because of the high risk of getting your fingers caught between the gears.

The above images are a set of various Rubik’s puzzles. Included in this package is a normal sized and miniature sized Rubik’s Cubes.

You also have a very small 2 x 2 Rubik’s Cube.There is a jigsaw puzzle of possibly Rubik’s Cube pieces. Other Rubik’s twisty puzzles along with Rubik’s lookalike small objects can be seen.

Above you can see the Running Rubik’s Cube. The above event is a scene from the 2011 London Marathon. The Rubik’s Cube has an open top and one open cube part on the left and right hand sides.  This was obviously necessary for the Marathon runner to put his head and arms through these openings.

Illuminating inventions of the Cube

The above image is of the Rubik’s Touch Cube. You can notice it’s beautiful illuminating colours. It was presented at the American International Toy Fair in February 2009. It was available to the public in the fall of 2009. If you know someone who loves gifts, then this would be it.

There are plenty of Rubik’s Cube tutorials to learn to solve the Cube.

This is a scene of a giant Rubik’s Cube located at the Orlando Disney World Orlando’s Pop Century Resort. The Rubik’s Cube is slightly tilted on a short metallic gold colored stand.


This is a Novelty Key chain Rubik’s Cube of an Olympus Digital Camera. The Rubik’s Cube contains picture of face patterns on each side.

Large Rubik’s Inventions

The above image is a Lubok – y- Adopta – Adapta.
You can notice the Rubik’s lookalike colour and pattern at the front of the desk looking object.

View the deep and penetrative  colors of this Concentration Color Cube. It has the look of a Rubik’s Cube floating in space , with a touch of sunshine on either side.

The above image is of an eight by eight  Rubik’s Cube and the layers are not all of equal sizes.This puzzle was invented after the invention of the Rubik’s Cube. The color’s of this large Cube are that of the normal color’s of the Rubik’s Cube.

This is an image of the Combination Puzzle Magic Sphere and has also been known as the Rubik’s Ball. The Rubik’s Ball puzzle was around in 1982. The method of solving this puzzle is the same for the Rubik’s Cube. What lovely gifts for Christmas these puzzles would be.

Inventions of the Rubik’s Cube


Timers are regularly used in speed cubing competitions. They include a built in scrample generator.

The stop watch analyzes training statistics. It calculates the average speed and it also reveals your fastest time, worst time, average time, median time. Furthermore the stop watch calculates your average of 5 solves and your best 3 of 5 solves.

Inventions of the rubik’s cube

Further more it calculates your average of 12 solves and your best 10 of 12 solves.

Timers can be downloaded. Many cube timers can also be purchased vat Amazon.

Some of these Timers include Date xx Cube Timer, The Miracle Cube Timer ,5, 15,30 and 60 minute, Miracle Cube Timer, Fit Time Cube Combo 10,20,30.

The Miracle Cube Timer,1, 3, 5 and 17 minutes and The Miracle Cube Timer ,5 piece set.

Inventions of the Rubik’s Cube

You are able to view some large Rubik’s Cube inventions.

A variety of Rubik’s Cube related shapes of different colors and sizes.