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There are no algorithms needed to learn for my Tutorial. However, I have included the algorithms for anyone who would like to solve the cube by using this method.

The Fridrich Method

This method consists of 120 algorithms and it is only intended for experienced Speed-Cubers.

Solve rubiks cube

The three stages of this method are:

  1. F2L = First 2 layers
  2. OLL = Orient last layer
  3. PLL = Permute last layer

This method is used by the world’s top Speed-Cubers. By using the Fridrich Method the Rubik’s cube will be solved in an average of 65 quarter turns. Speed-Cubers carry out the moves by using quick finger pushes.

Solve rubiks cube

Recent solving times using this method have been greatly improved. The reason for this improvement is that lots of new algorithms have been introduced that involve a lot of right and upper file moves.

Solve rubiks cube

Making right and upper file moves are much easier and quicker to carry out than the moves on the other files of the Rubik’s cube.

The Fridrich Method

Solve rubiks cube

This is the most advanced learning method of solving the Rubik’s cube.

Solve rubiks cube

This method was invented in the early 1980s by a group of Speed-Cubers who created the algorithms. It was put online in 1997 by Jessica Fridrich.

Solve rubiks cube

There is  a maximum amount of 120 algorithms to solve by this method. The steps needed to solve the cube by this method are as follows.

Solve rubiks cube

F2L – First 2 Layers

To solve the first 2 layers, you must place a corner with a matching colour edge piece in a certain position.
Next you must play the correct sequences of moves to join the corner and edge piece. Once they’re joined with their colours matching up the corner will be at the top and the edge will be in the middle layer. There are 42 algorithms that need to be learnt to solve the first 2 layers.

Solve rubiks cube

Once the first 2 layers have been completed the next step is to orientate the last layer.

Solve rubiks cube

OLL – Orientate Last Layer

To orientate the last layer means to make all that last layer the same colour as its centre colour. For example, if your last layer had a yellow centre then it would mean all the other sticker colours on that layer must also be made yellow.

Solve rubiks cube

There are 58 algorithms that need to be learnt to carry out the OLL stage.
The last and final stage is to permute the last layer.

Solve rubiks cube

PLL – Permute Last Layer

To permute the last layer means to match up all the last layers side colours. Once this is done the Rubik’s cube will be completed. There are 13 algorithms that need to be learnt to carry out the PLL stage.

13 algorithms that need to be learnt to carry out the PLL stage.

The Lars Petrus Method

The Rubik’s cube will be solved in an average of 75 moves by using this method. It is a very complicated learning method. There are seven steps needed to complete the cube using this method which include the following steps

Solve rubiks cube

Step 1) Build a 2x2x2 corner,

Step 2) Expand to 2x2x3,

Step 3) Twist the edges, you will either have 2,4, or 6 bad edges,

Step 4) Finish 2 layers,

Step 5) Position the corners

Step 6) Twist the corners

Step 7) Positon the edges

You can get help with block building tricks for steps 1,2, and 4. There are also 13 example solutions you can practice.

Solve rubiks cube

Other advanced Rubik’s cube solving methods are the Waterman method and the Roux Method.

The Waterman Method is carried out by solving the corners first.

It is one of the most complex and optimized methods to learn and has many sequences that need to be mastered.

The Roux Method is a commonly used method by world class Speed-Cubers.

This is a last 6 edges Rubik’s cube solving method.

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Finger Pushes

To carry out the fastest turns on a Rubik’s cube finger pushes are required. By pushing the Rubik’s cube side with your finger you cut down the time than by using your whole hand. Finger pushes are mainly used by skillful and experienced Speed-Cubers.

Solve rubiks cube

Solving the Rubik’s Cube


There are seven stages needed to complete the cube using this method.

  1. Get a cross on the top layer
  2. Place the corners correctly in the top layer
  3. Place the edges in the middle layer
  4. Get the last layer cross
  5. Match up the cross edge colours
  6. Position the corners correctly in the last layer
  7. Solve the corners in the last layer

The first layer cross

I will begin by solving the white layer. So firstly, I must turn the white centre to the top. The white and orange edge and the white and green edge are already correctly placed in the top layer. I know they are correctly placed because their edge colours are matching up with the centre colours their next to.

Solve rubiks  cube

For a piece to be correctly placed its sticker colours must match up with the centre colours their next to.

Solving the third edge

On the Right side below the blue center there is a red sticker of an edge piece as shown in Diagram 1

Solve rubiks cube

The bottom of this edge piece has a white sticker. I need to place this white and red sticker edge piece on the top layer to match up with the other white stickers.

When this white and red sticker edge is on the top layer its sticker colours must match the centre colors their next to.You will notice there is a red centre on the Front. I can first match up the edges red sticker with the red centre by playing the following move

D’ = Downer side anticlockwise.

Now you can see the edges red sticker has been matched up with the red centre as shown in Diagram 2

Solve rubiks cube

This matched up red edge piece has a white sticker at the bottom of the edge piece. I am now able to match this edge white sticker up with the white centre at the top of the cube by playing the following move.

Solve rubiks cube

F2 = two clockwise turns of the Front side.

After I play these moves you can now see the white and red edge piece has been correctly place in the top layer as shown in Diagram 3

Solve rubiks cube

Solving the fourth edge

You can see a white and blue edge on the top layer wrongly placed between the white and blue centres. This edge piece must be placed correctly between the white and blue centres.

In order to correctly place the white and blue edge piece in the top layer I must first play the following move

R’ = Right side anticlockwise.

This move gets the white and blue edge to the middle layer nearest to me.

Now you can see this white and blue edge has moved where I want it in the middle layer as shown in Diagram 4

Solve rubiks cube

In the above diagram the yellow and red edge piece can be seen in the top layer between the white and

blue centers. Therefore, I now need to place the white and blue edge in the position of the yellow and red edge piece. In order to do this, I must first play the following move

U = Upper side clockwise.

Now you can see that the yellow and red edge piece has moved to Front layer.

The white and blue edge piece can now be moved to the position of the yellow and red edge
piece as shown in Diagram 5

Completing the first layer cross

Solve rubiks cube

Now I must play the following move

F’= Face side anticlockwise.

This brings the white and blue edge in the position of the yellow and red edge piece.

Now you can see the white and blue edge piece has moved to the top layer as shown in Diagram 6

Solve rubiks cube

From the above position, all the cross edge colours of the top white cross can now be matched up with their centre colours beneath them by playing the following move

U’= Upper side anticlockwise.

Now the top white crosses edge colours are all matched up with their centre colors beneath them as shown in Diagram 7

Solve rubiks cube

The first layer corners

From the above position you can see the first layer cross has now been solved. The next task is to correctly place all the corners pieces in the first layer. Because all the white stickers belong on the top layer I know that any corner piece with a white sticker must belong on this top layer.

I will firstly place the red, white and blue corner in the top layer. The red, white and blue corner is out of view.I must now bring this corner piece into view by playing the following move

D2 = Downer side two clockwise turns.

Now you can see this corner pieces red and white sticker has been brought into view and is positioned below the red centre on the right-hand side as shown in Diagram 8

Solve rubiks cube

From the above position the bottom sticker colour of this red and white corner piece is blue. Because this corner piece has red, white and blue stickers it means it must be placed between the red white and blue centres. Therefore, this corner piece must be placed above the red centre in the top right hand corner position.

Placing the first corner

This top right hand corner must be turned down to place the white, blue and red corner piece in its position. This top right hand corner can be turned down in 2 different ways.

The first way it can be turned down is by playing the following move

F = Front side clockwise.

Now you can see the new position as shown in Diagram 9

Solve rubiks cube

The other way the top right hand corner in Diagram 8 can be turned down is by playing the following move

R’ = Right side anticlockwise.

Now you can see the new position as shown in Diagram 10

Solve rubiks cube

From this position, I can join up the corner into position by playing the following move

D’= Downer side anticlockwise.

You can now see that the red, white and blue corner piece is now placed into the correct position as shown in Diagram 11

I then play the following move

R = Right side clockwise

to turn the white stickers to the top layer as shown in Diagram 12

Solve rubiks cube

Placing the second corner

From the above position an orange and blue sticker corner is seen below the red center on the right-hand side. I will next place this orange and blue corner in the top layer.

The bottom sticker color of this corner is white.

I need to place this corner between the orange, white and blue centers. So, I must firstly turn the cube around to bring the orange and blue centers into view. After this I then play the move

D = Downer side clockwise

to place the corner between the orange and blue centres as shown Diagram 13

Solve rubiks cube

Turning up bottom corner sticker

Before I can place this corner correctly in the top layer I must firstly turn up its white sticker. In other words, I must make sure its white sticker is no longer positioned at the bottom of the cube.

In order to do this, I must firstly play the move

F = Front side clockwise

Now the corner is positioned below the blue centre at the left-hand side. The corners white sticker is out of view and its white sticker is no longer on the bottom but it is facing up at the side of the orange sticker. You are only able to see the corners orange sticker as shown in Diagram 14

Solve rubiks cube

I then play the move

D2 = Downer side 2 turns clockwise

to bring the corners white sticker into view positioned below the orange center on the right-hand side as shown in Diagram 15

Solve rubiks cube

I then must play the move

F’ = Front anticlockwise

to bring the white stickers back on the top layer as shown in Diagram 16

Solve rubiks cube

Positioning the corner

In order to now place the orange, white and blue corner in the top layer I must first position it up by playing the move

D = Downer side anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 17

Solve rubiks cube

To enable me to place the corner I play the move

F = Front clockwise

as shown in Diagram 18

Solve rubiks cube

To join up the corner I play the move

D = Downer clockwise

as shown in Diagram 19

I finally turn the white stickers to the top layer by playing the move

F’ = Front anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 20

Solve rubiks cube

Placing the third  corner

I will now place the red, white and green corner in the top layer. This corner must be placed between the red, white and green centres because they’re the same colours as the corners stickers. Therefore, I must firstly turn the cube around to bring the red and green centres into view as shown in Diagram 21

Solve rubiks cube

From the above position below the green centre on the right-hand side you can see the green and white sticker of a corner piece. The sticker on the bottom of this corner is red. Before I can place this corner in the top layer I must first turn down the top corner by playing the move

R’ = Right anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 22

Solve rubiks cube

I can now join up the corner by playing the move

D’ = Downer anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 23

Solve rubiks cube

Then lastly, I must bring the white stickers to the top layer by playing the move

R = Right clockwise

as shown in Diagram 24

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Placing the last corner

I will now place the last corner in the top layer which is the orange, white and green corner. This corner must be placed between the orange, white and green centers because they’re the same colors as the corners stickers. Therefore, I must firstly turn the cube around to bring the orange and green centers into view as shown in Diagram 25

Solve rubiks cube

From the above position below the green centre on the right-hand side a green corner sticker can be seen. The other sticker colours of this corner piece are orange and white. The white sticker of this corner is on the bottom. I must turn up this bottom white corner sticker before I can correctly place it on the top layer. So firstly, I must place the corner between the orange and green centres by playing the move

D’ = Downer anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 26

Solve rubiks cube

I then turn up the corners bottom white sticker by playing the move

F = Front clockwise

as shown in Diagram 27

Solve rubiks cube

Positioning bottom corner sticker

In the above position the corners white sticker is now facing upwards but is out of view.

I then bring the corners white sticker into view by playing the move

D2 = Downer side two turns.

The corners white sticker is now visible below the green centre on the right-hand side as shown in Diagram 28

Solve rubiks cube

Next I turn the white stickers back to the top layer by playing the move

F’ = Front side anticlockwise as shown in Diagram 29

Solve rubiks cube

I am now able to position up the white stickered corner piece to allow me to place it on the top layer by playing the move

D’ = Downer anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 30

Solve rubiks cube

To enable me to join up my white stickered corner in the top layer I play the move

F = Front clockwise

as shown in Diagram 31

Solve rubiks cube

I then join up the corner with the other white stickers by playing the move

D = Downer clockwise

as shown in Diagram 32

Solve rubiks cube

Finally, I bring the white stickers to the top layer by playing the move

F’ = Face anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 33

Solve rubiks cube

Now you can see the top layer has been solved your next task is to solve the middle layer.

Place those Middle Edges

You need to correctly place 4 edge pieces in order to solve the middle layer. All the white stickers are now on the top layer. All the yellow stickers belong on the bottom layer because that layer has a yellow center.

This means that all the edge pieces in the middle layer can’t have either a white or yellow sticker on them when the cube has been fully solved. Therefore, when I find an edge piece which has neither a white or yellow sticker on it then I know it must belong in the middle layer. A red and green edge sticker can be seen on the bottom as shown in Diagram 34

Solve rubiks cube

This edge must be placed between the red and green centers because they are the same colors as the edges colors. To correctly place the red and green edge in the middle layer I must first correctly position it up.

To do this you must first look at the color at the bottom of the edge piece which is green. This means that I must turn this bottom green edge sticker opposite the green center. To do this I must play the move

D2 = Downer side two turns

Now you can see the bottom green edge sticker is now faced opposite the green centre

as shown in Diagram 35

Formula  to place first edge

Solve rubiks cube

Because the edges other colour is red it means that I must now turn the red centre in front of me as shown in Diagram 36

Solve rubiks cube

If the red stickers are the Front of my cube, to now correctly place the red and green edge into the middle layer I must play the moves

L D’ L’ D’ F’ D F= Left clockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Left anticlockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Face anticlockwise, Downer clockwise, Face clockwise.

Now you can see the red and green edge piece is correctly placed in the middle layer as shown in Diagram 37

Solve rubiks cube

Placing the second edge

In the next diagram an orange sticker of an edge piece can be seen on the bottom layer positioned opposite the orange center. The other sticker on this edge is green.

Therefore, as I already have the bottom orange edge sticker facing opposite the orange center

I know it is correctly positioned to enable me to place it between the orange and green centre pieces as shown in Diagram 38

Solve rubiks cube

Because this edge with the bottom orange sticker other colour is green it means I must now turn the green centre in front of me as shown in Diagram 39

Solve rubiks cube

If the green stickers are the Front of my cube, to now correctly place the orange and green edge I must keep the green centre in front of me and play the moves

L D’ L’ D’ F’ D F = Left, Downer anticlockwise, Left anticlockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Face anticlockwise, Downer clockwise, Face.

Now you can see the orange and green edge has been correctly placed as shown in Diagram 40

Solve rubiks cube

Removing an incorrectly placed edge

If you have an incorrectly placed edge piece in the middle layer it must first be taken out in order to be accurately placed. The orange and blue edge is incorrectly placed in the middle layer as shown in Diagram 41

Solve rubiks cube

In order to take out an incorrectly placed edge piece in the middle layer you must keep the incorrect edge at the Front left hand side of your cube. Assuming the blue stickers are my Face then you will see that the orange and blue edge is correctly positioned to be taken out. To now remove this incorrectly placed orange and blue edge I must play the moves

L D’ L’ D’ F’ D F = Left, Downer anticlockwise, Left anticlockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Face anticlockwise, Downer, Face.

You will notice that the incorrectly placed orange and blue edge has now moved from the middle layer to the bottom layer. The orange sticker of this orange and blue edge is out of view but its blue sticker can be seen. Opposite to this blue sticker you can see a red and blue edge piece.

as shown in Diagram 42

Solve rubiks cube

Placing the third edge

I will decide to firstly place this red and blue edge piece correctly in the middle layer. I then position this red and blue edge piece by turning its bottom blue sticker opposite the blue center by playing the move

D’ = Downer anticlockwise

as shown in Diagram 43

Solve rubiks cube

This bottom blue sticker is on an edge piece that has a red colour on it which means I must next turn the red centre in front of me. In order to now place the edge piece in the middle layer I must keep this red centre in front of me. Assuming that the red stickers are at the Front of the cube I must now play the moves

R’ D R D F D’ F’ = Right anticlockwise, Downer clockwise, Right clockwise, Downer clockwise, Face clockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Face anticlockwise

You can now see that the red and blue edge has now been correctly placed in the middle layer as shown in Diagram 44

Solve rubiks cube

Placing the last middle layer edge

I will now proceed to place the last edge in the middle layer. This last middle edge piece is the orange and blue stickered edge as shown in Diagram 45

Solve rubiks cube

As you now know that before placing this orange and blue edge piece in the middle layer I must firstly position it up by placing its bottom blue sticker opposite the blue centre. I achieve this by playing the move

D2 = Downer side two turns

I also bring the orange and blue centers into view.

as shown in Diagram 46

Solve rubiks cube

Because the edges other colour is orange it means I must now turn the orange centre in front of me. In order to now place the edge, I must keep the orange centre as my Front and play the moves

L D’ L’ D’ F’ D F = Left clockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Left anticlockwise, Downer anticlockwise, Face anticlockwise, Downer clockwise, Face clockwise.

Now you can see the orange and blue edge has been correctly placed as shown in Diagram 47

Solve rubiks cube

As you can see I have now successfully solved the first 2 layers of the Rubik’s cube. My next goal is to solve the last layer. So, the first thing I need to do is to turn the Rubik’s cube upside down causing the white stickers to be on the bottom and the yellow center on the top as shown in Diagram 48

Solve rubiks cube

Get The Last Layer Cross

When I’m getting my cross I don’t need to worry about whether there are any yellow corner stickers or not on the last layer. I only need to worry about the yellow edge stickers on the last layer.

The first stage of solving the last layer is to get a cross. Because I have a yellow centre on my last layer it means my cross must be a yellow one. This means I need to place all the 4 yellow edge stickers on the last layer which with the yellow centre will form a cross. To get a cross I will need to play either one, two, or three set of moves.

It solely depends on the how many yellow edge stickers I already have on this last layer. You need to learn all the 3 stages.
Solve rubiks cube

Firstly, I will naturally start from a situation where I have no yellow edge stickers on the last layer as is the situation from diagram 48.

Method for last layer cross

In diagram 48 I have the red stickers as my Front and to start to get my cross I must play the moves

F R U R’ U’ F’ = Front clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Front anticlockwise.

Now you can see I now have 2 yellow edge stickers on the top layer as shown in Diagram 49

Solve rubiks cube

If you imagine that all the last layer edge places are the points of a compass it means I must position these 2 yellow edge stickers in the North-West position before playing the next set of moves to get my cross

as shown in Diagram 50

Solve rubiks cube tutorial

From the above position, I must now play exactly the same moves I played for the first stage for the cross in order to complete this second stage. Therefore, these moves to now play again are

F R U R’ U’ F’ = Front clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Front anticlockwise.

You can see that I am now left with a yellow line as shown in Diagram 51

Solve rubiks cube

Completing the last layer cross

I must now correctly position this yellow line before I can play the third stage for my cross. I must position this yellow line in a horizontal position. Remembering Red is my Face it means the yellow line must then be positioned as it is already seen. From here I will play the third stage for my cross which will be exactly the same moves I’ve previously played in the stages for the cross. When I play this third stage of the cross I will finally have the cross. I now play the moves

F R U R’ U’ F’ = Front clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Front anticlockwise.

You can now see I have the yellow cross as Shown in Diagram 52

Solve rubiks cube

Match Up The Cross Edge Colours

Now that I have the cross I must next match up all the 4-cross edge colours with their centre colours below them. My cross edge colours are the sticker colours at the other side of the yellow edge stickers. You may be lucky enough to find that all the cross edge colours are already matching up with their centre colours below them. You will always have at least 2 cross edge colours that match up with their centre colours below them.

In most cases, you will have 2 cross edge colours that match up with their centre colours below them. Any 2-cross edge colours that match up with their centre colours below them fall into 2 categories. Firstly, these matching edge colours can be opposite colours. For example, the blue and the green cross edge colours or the red and the orange cross edge colours. Secondly these matching edge colours can be near colours. For example like the red and the green cross edge colours as shown in Diagram 53

Solve rubiks cube

Positioning last layers cross edge colors

You will need to learn how to match up all the cross edge colours in both situations. In order to also match up the blue and orange cross edge colours I must firstly turn the cube around to bring the orange and blue centres into view and I must keep one of the non-matching cross edge colours in front of me and the other one on the right-hand side as shown in Diagram 54

Solve rubiks cube

You can see that I need to swap the orange and blue cross edge colours around for them to match their centre colours below them. I have the orange centre as my Face and the blue cross edge colour is above the orange centre. The orange cross edge colour is on the right. To swap the orange and blue cross edge colours I must play the moves

R U2 R’ U’ R U’ R’ = Right clockwise, Upper twice, Right anticlockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise.

You can now see that all the 4-cross edge colours are now matching their centre colours below them as shown in Diagram 55

Solve rubiks cube

Possible situations to get cross edge colors

When you have 2 opposite cross edge colours that match their centre colours below them you must play the same moves as you would when you have 2 near cross edge colours that match their centre colours below them. When you have a situation where you have 2 opposite cross edge colours that match their centre colours below them you must hold one of the matching cross edge colours in front of you and play the moves

R U2 R’ U’ R U’ R’ = Right clockwise, Upper twice, Right anticlockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise.

Next you must turn the Upper to match up the cross edge colours with their centre colours below them and you’ll find you’ll have 2 near cross edge colours that match their centre colours below them. You’ll also have two near cross edge colours that don’t match their centre colours below them which need to be swapped. I’ve already taught you how to solve two near cross edge colours that need to be swapped.

Position the Corners

My next task is to correctly position all the corners. In diagram 55 you can see that by luck I already have the yellow, orange, and blue stickered corner solved. If you had a red, white and blue stickered corner then you know for it to be correctly placed it must be placed between the red, white and blue centres. There are 3 possibilities concerning the positions of the corner pieces which are

1) No corner piece is correctly positioned

2) One corner piece is correctly positioned

3) All the corner pieces are correctly positioned.

Method to place first corner

Obviously, you will only need to learn how to position your corners from the first 2 of these points. Before you start positioning the corner pieces you must choose a Face centre colour that must be kept in front of you while you are positioning the corner pieces. When there are no corner pieces in their correct positions you must try to get a corner in the correct position by playing the moves

L’ U R U’ L U R’ = Left anticlockwise, Upper clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Left clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise.

You must then turn the Upper to match up all the cross edge colours with their centre colours below them and then check to see if there are any corner pieces in the correct position. You may have a corner piece in the correct position but If there still isn’t a corner piece in the correct position then you must keep the same centre colour in front of you and play the same moves as before which were

L’ U R U’ L U R’ = Left anticlockwise, Upper clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Left clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise and you will now definitely have a corner piece in the correct position.

Playing from a correctly positioned corner

Once you have a corner piece in the correct position you must hold the cube so that this corner piece is

on your Front in the top right hand corner position.

Before I position my corners, I find that in diagram 55 I already have the yellow, orange and blue stickered corner piece already in the correct position. This means I must now hold the cube so that this corner piece is in the Front top right hand corner position and I must keep the orange centre in front of me while I position the rest of the corner pieces. From this position, I must now move the corner pieces by playing the moves
Solve rubiks cube

L’ U R U’ L U R’ = Left anticlockwise, Upper clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Left clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise.

I must now turn the Upper to match up all the cross edge colours with their centre colours below them and I find my correctly positioned corner is still in the correct place and the three wrongly positioned corner pieces have moved places but are still in the wrong positions as shown in Diagram 56

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Completing last layer corners

Sometimes you will have all the corner pieces in their correct positions at this stage. Because I still only have the same corner piece in the correct position it means I will have to play exactly the same moves again keeping the orange centre in front of me and the correct corner in the Front top right hand corner position. Once I played these same moves again as

L’ U R U’ L U R’ = Left anticlockwise, Upper clockwise, Right clockwise, Upper anticlockwise, Left clockwise, Upper clockwise, Right anticlockwise.

I found that I now had all the 4 corner pieces in their correct positions as shown in Diagram 57

Solve rubiks cube

The next stage will be your final stage to complete the Rubik’s cube. This next stage will be to solve the corners.

Solve rubiks cube

Solve the corners

In order to solve these corners, I need to get each corner yellow sticker to the top layer to match up with the rest of the yellow stickers. When each corner piece is solved you’ll notice that the corners other sticker colours also match up with the other same colours on the cube.

You must make sure the yellow centre is kept on top. Before I begin to solve these corners, I need to choose a centre colour to keep in front of me as my Face while I solve all these corners.
Solve rubiks cube
I will choose to keep the blue center in front of me as my Face while I solve all the corners. Every corner must be positioned at the front top right hand corner before solving. I will decide to first solve the red, yellow and blue sticker corner as shown in Diagram 58

Solve rubiks cube

Method to solve corners

To solve the corners, I only need to keep playing the same 4 moves and then after the fourth move I must check to see if the corner yellow stickers are on the top layer. You will have to play two sets of these 4 moves or four sets of these 4 moves to solve any corner piece.

If I see the corners yellow sticker is on the top layer it means that I must stop because that corner is now solved.

Solving the second corner

The cube will get a bit messed up while your solving these corners but it doesn’t matter because all the colors will join up once you’ve solved all the corners. I will start solving this corner by playing the moves

R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise.

I now check to see if the corners yellow sticker is on the top layer and I find it isn’t as shown in Diagram 59

Solve rubiks cube

Because the corners yellow sticker isn’t on the top layer it means I must again play the same 4 moves again which are

R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise.

I then check to see if the corners yellow sticker is on the top layer and I find that it now is as shown in Diagram 60

Solve rubiks cube

Solving the third corner

This means this corner is now solved. I then now keep the same blue centre in front of me as my Face and then turn the Upper to bring any next unsolved corner to the front top right hand corner position to be solved as shown in Diagram 61

Rubiks cube tutorial

Solve rubiks cube

From this position, I then played the same 4 moves to solve this corner which are

R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise.

I then checked for the corners yellow sticker and I found it wasn’t on top and so I then played the same 4 moves again which are

R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise

and I saw the corners yellow sticker was now on the top layer as shown in Diagram 62

Solve rubiks cube

Solving the last and final corner

From the above position, I then made sure I kept the blue centre in front of me and turned the Upper to bring the next and last unsolved corner to the front top right hand corner position to be solved as shown in Diagram 63

Solve rubiks cube

I then played the 4 moves to solve this corner which are R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise.

I then checked for the corners yellow sticker and I found it wasn’t on the top layer and so I played the same 4 moves again as

R F’ R’ F = Right clockwise, Front anticlockwise, Right anticlockwise, Front clockwise

and I found the corners yellow sticker was now on the top layer as shown in Diagram 64

Solve Rubiks cube

Now all the corners are solved you can notice how all the last layer edge colours are all matching up. It looks beautiful. All you need to do now is to fully solve the cube by playing the move

U2 = Upper side two turns


You have now solved the Rubik’s cube

Solve rubiks cube

Now you have learnt to solve the 3×3 Rubik’s Cube you may like to learn the 4×4 Rubik’s Cube tutorial below.
Solve rubiks cube

4 x 4 Rubik’s Cube tutorial


Solve rubiks cube




Solve rubiks cube

Building the centres

Solve rubiks cube

Bring a white centre next to another centre causing them to align up straight. The first 2 centres should be joined straight and not diagonally.

Pairing up the edges

Solve rubiks cube

You must pair up 2 edge pieces that are the same colours. In order to join these edges up correctly they must first be placed diagonally or opposite to each other. Sometimes the 2 edges can be joined straight away by moving one straight across to the other. Pair the edges up on the front face. When 2 edeges are opposite to each other you pair them up by playing
L’ R U F U’ L
Solve rubiks cube
Then you’ll notice that the 2 edges will now be diagonal to each other.You now just bring one edge across to match up with the other edge.
When you have 2 pairs of edges that are diagonal to each other you must play
R U R’ U’ F’ U F

Now the 2 pairs of edges will be opposite to each other.
You must now play
Dd R F’ U R’ F Dd
To solve these 2 pair of edges.

Creating a cross on top

Solve rubiks cube

Next of , shift all the edge pieces that have a white sticker, to the top of the Cube to form a white cross.

Inserting the corners

Solve rubiks cube

Next, turn the Cube upside down with the white cross on the bottom.
Find a white corner and place the corner opposite to its correct position. If the corners white sticker is facing you then play , the moves
U’ R U’ R’ U2 R U’ R’

You will now see this corner piece has been solved. Remember whilst you’re solving these white corners, the yellow centres will be on top.
To get the next white corners into position you must move edges without yellow stickers on them.

Other white sticker positions

To solve a corner piece that has the white sticker facing upwards you must play
R U R’ U’ R U R’ U’ R U R’
And you’ll see that the white stickered corner is now solved.
Solve rubiks cube
If the white stickered corner piece, has the sticker at the side of the Cube then you must play with the white corner placed at the bottom of the Cube. You then play the moves
R U2 R U R’ U R U2 R2

The white stickered corner will now be solved.
This above situation is when the white corner sticker is facing right and is positioned in the correct corner where it needs to be solved at the bottom.
Solve rubiks cube
If a white sticker corner is in the top corner with the white sticker facing to the right, and it needs to be placed with the white stickers in the bottom layer you must play

Dw = moving the first 3 rows clockwise and then play
R’ U R U2 R’ U R
Now your corner will be solved.

Solving the last layer

Solve rubiks cube

If the last layer is yellow then a parity would mean 2 unsolved yellow edges. In other words the 2 yellows stickers wouldn’t show on top of the Cube.
To solve from here you must place the 2 unsolved edges in front of you and play
r’ U2 l F2 l’ F2 r2 U2
r U2 r’ U2 F2 r2 F2
and then the top yellows will be solved except for the corners.

In a situation of a parity of 2 pairs of unsolved yellow edges with a T – shaped yellow stickered top, then you must hold the Cube with the T – shape showing with the small part vertically at the left and the long part horizontally to the right.
Solve rubiks cube
You then must have the 2 unsolved edges placed at the back and front of the top layer. From here you then play
F R U R’ U’ F’
And now all the yellow edge stickers will be solved.
Solve rubiks cube
In a situation of yellow stickers bunched together on the top layer and 2 unsolved pair of edges next to each other, you must place the 9 stickers to the left and furthest back. You must keep 1 unsolved edge in front and the other at the right and play
F U R U’ R’ F’

And it will now be solved.

Other possible situations

Sometimes there won’t always be 9 yellow stickers, but will have a non yellow corner.
In a situation where there are 4 pairs of unsolved edges , then just play either of the last 2 algorithms to solve them.
Solve rubiks cube
If you have only 2 unsolved corners in the yellow last layer and the yellow sticker is facing outwards, then place them on the front left and right and play
R U R’ U R U2 R’

The you’ll now see you have 4 unsolved edges with no yellows on top. Obviously you’ll have the yellow cross on top.
Make sure the yellow stickers are facing the left direction and then play
R U R’ U R U2 R’
Solve rubiks cube
You’ll now have 1 yellow corner sticker on top. Place this top yellow corner sticker on the top left corner and play
R U R’ U R U2 R’
You’ll then have a similar position . You now place the only top yellow corner sticker on the top left corner and play

R U R’ U R U2 R’
Now you’ll have all the yellow stickers on top. Now we need to solve the corners. It doesn’t matter how the Cube is orientated when solving the corners. You must play
R’ F R’ B2 R F’ R’ B2 R2

Corner colors situations

Now if you have 2 corners colors the same on the side of the yellows , you must make those colors match up with that side and then turn the Cube opposite. Then turn the Cube opposite still with the yellows on top and play
R’ F R’ B2 R F’ R’ B2 R2

Now you’ll see all the corners have been orientated. Also one of the sides will be completed. Place the completed side at the back and then play
R U’ R U R U R U’ R’ U’ R2
And the Cube will be solved.
Solve rubiks cube
Sometimes it may not be solved at this stage. Another algorithm that can be used instead of the above algorithm is called the clockwise rotation which is
R2 U R U R’ U’ R’ U’ R’ U R’
Which can end up solving the Cube.

Swapping edges

You may get a situation where you have all the yellows on top and have 3 layers solved and you need only to swap 2 opposite edge pieces with each other to solve the Cube. In this situation you must place 2 of the edge pieces in front of you and play
Uu2 Rr2 U2 r2 U2 Rr2 Uu2

And the Cube will be solved.
If you had the green face in front with 2 orange edges showing at the top of it and the orange face was at the right with 2 green edges showing at the top of it, the edges would need to be swapped.
Therefore you would need to position these pair of 2 edges at the back and the right hand side of the

Cube and play
Uu2 Rr2 U2 r2 U2 R r2 Uu2
You will now have 3 edges that need to be flipped around. In other words turned up correctly .So you must now position the Cube with the completed side at the back and play
R U’ R U R U R U’ R’ U’ R2

And then the Cube will be solved.

Tips for speed cubing

Solve rubiks cube

If you are a Speed-Cuber or want to become one, you will always want to improve your times.
Solve rubiks cube
The main way to achieve faster Rubik’s cube solves is to learn to move the pieces faster.

Practicing your finger pushes will help you achieve this. Finger pushes cut down the time of making moves on the Rubik’s cube. Today there are many finger pushing tutorials. Finger pushes are carried out on the Upper,Downer,Front and Back files. The Left and Right files need to be moved by hand turns. Finger pushes are carried out by using every finger excluding the smallest one. Even the thumbs can be used in finger pushing.
Solve rubiks cube
Finger pushes are carried out by holding the cube with your thumbs and middle and wedding fingers. You must now make quick pushes with your index finger to carry out moves on the Upper,Front and Back files. To carry out moves on the Downer file you must hold the cube with your thumbs, middle and index fingers and push the Downer file with your wedding fingers. Apart from producing much faster solves by improving your finger pushes it also looks a lot cooler.
Solve rubiks cube
The development of these Speed-Cubing skills has led to world class Speed-Cubers averaging solves of under 15 seconds. If you’re serious about becoming a Speed-Cuber you must be dedicated.

Always practice and I would also advise you to do some research on the subject.

Rubik’s Cube tutorial tips

Interested in writing your own Tutorials?

Solve rubiks cube

Here’s some tips to get started

Solve rubiks cube

If you are interested in making a good tutorial then here’s some excellent advice on how to succeed. I will now list the major steps to make a successful tutorial.

Tutorial Methods of teaching

  1. The Detail– Firstly you must bear in mind that the learner may have no experience of the Rubik’s cube and may find everything very complicated. Therefore, every step must be thouroughly explained in as much detail as possible.
  2. Teach Slowly– This is probably the most important factor when teaching the Rubik’s cube to a beginner. Teaching the Rubik’s cube slowly allows the learner to absorb the information being shown.
  3. Illustrate the pieces– The Rubik’s cube must be seen as much as possible. You can hold the Rubik’s cube at an angle enabling the learner to see the top, front and right or left sides fully.
  4. Detailed explanation– You may not get your point across to a learner which is why it is crucial that every step is explained in great detail.
  5. Analyses
  6. Cover every step– You must teach the learner to solve from every possible situation that can occur. Remember you want to guarantee the learner to be able to solve the Rubik’s cube.
  7. Show the pieces joining up– It is helpful for the learner to see how the pieces are joining up when solving the Rubik’s cube. Allow them to see the colours joining up as much as possible.
  8. SGood Filming– Make sure the tutorial is filmed well. Make sure the picture is light enough and with good quality. A good clear picture with everything visible is essential. It will be beneficial for a learner who can see all the colours perfectly of the Rubik’s cube pieces.

Things to avoid in a tutorial

Solve rubiks cube

  1. Do not explain everything too fast, sallow the learner enough time to understand.
  2. Do not move the Rubik’s cube too fast as this may confuse the learner.
  3. Do not rotate the cube a lot because doing this stops the learner from having enough time to concentrate.
  4. Do not take your finger off a piece too fast when you are indicating that piece. If you take your finger off the piece too fast the learner may not be able to keep up.